
Showing posts from December, 2017

Getting Closer to a New Year ... Are We Ready? :)

( EN ) - Ha! Another year comes to an end! ... When I look back, I feel as if the year went by so quickly. Take this photo I took, for example: the time stamp shows the date as Saturday, Jan 7, 2017 at 7:05 pm. But I remember it like it was just a week ago... Yeah, yeah, I know: this is how we perceive time when we look back, especially as we get older ... :) But still... Either way, 2018 is just around the corner and I wonder how you feel about it. You know, we, humans, like to have a closure. Hence, we tend to have one -or several- when we near the end of the year. So, how do you feel? Any resolutions? Any big plans? Any promises to stop doing this or start doing that? Any personal goals to help improve your life? Well, as for me... I love new beginnings! Not just the start of a new year, but all beginnings; every morning is included. So, I don't have any big plans. In fact, I don't plan my life anymore. I just try to live one day at a time. I may not be th

Here Comes December ... and More Revelations

( EN ) - Ahh, here comes December and with it comes more self-consciousness... I got sick last week. It was probably a virus, causing me trouble for a little bit. Especially for the first two days, I was feeling pretty bad, also weak, and I was in bed, mostly sleeping. Then on the following days, I started getting better. But as my doctors advised me to take a good rest for a speedy recovery, I obeyed and stayed at home, mostly resting. Hence, I had too much time on my hands. Guess what I did with this extra bit of time? Ha haa, yes, I did what I love most: read couple of articles, related to a project I'm building up. And of course, while I was searching for a reading material for the project I had in mind, I came across a couple of -not related but- great blog posts and one of them stayed in my mind longer than expected... and surprising as it may seem, yet it wasn't actually, with it came more awareness... The article¹ was about how we miss what is . Yes, it'