
Showing posts from October, 2017

What is Reality? ... Chapter 2

👉 Türkçe'si AÅŸağıda 👇 ( EN ) - 2 - All is NOT as it seems ... Then... What do we see?  WHAT IS REALITY? At one time or another, we all go through difficulties in life and we try to make sense of the world around us. On the face of the events, we naturally seek answers elsewhere, rather than looking within ourselves. But if we're persistent enough to ask questions, then we may come to a point of asking ourselves why this is happening, or why we do the things the way we do. It's not always easy to answer such questions, but they are surely important since they nudge us closer to a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us. And in my opinion, this chapter may help us to shed some lights on these questions. Though I admit that it takes a while to have a grasp on the essence of the topic, since it's the most complex chapter in the book. But it's worth the effort. To make this topic more comprehensible, Eagleman draws a parallel

Who Am I? ... Chapter 1

👉 Türkçe'si AÅŸağıda 👇 ( EN ) - 1  - WHO AM I ? Seriously ... What makes me? To a neuroscientist, the answer lies in a deep understanding of the brain. To me, it's a whole new perspective and I'm still learning... First, let me introduce you the man who can answer such a complicated question: DAVID EAGLEMAN ... :) My all time favourite neuroscientist ... He serves as an adjunct professor at the Stanford University and he heads the Center For Science and Law -a non-profit institute which studies new discoveries in neuroscience that suggest a new way forward for law and order to create more cost-effective, humane and better justice system. Beyond his hundreds of academic publications, he has published many popular books, including his best-seller Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain . His more recent book, The Brain: The Story of You , had been turned into a TV-series which was aired first on PBS, then on BBC. The Brain: The Story of You  is an aston

Trigger Happy Chemicals In Your Brain to Boost Your Happiness...

👉 Türkçe'si AÅŸağıda 👇 ( EN ) - Do you know that there are happy chemicals in your brain, that they certainly make you feel good when triggered? Yes, there are and you've probably heard them before... But, do you know what they do to you? Or how you benefit from them? Or whether you can intentionally trigger them or not? Well, here is what I found... They are generally called happy chemicals; namely endorphin, dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin, and these four primary chemicals in our bodies effect our happiness. Our system makes them naturally in small quantities for its own use and they are released when positive things happen in our lives. But the good news is, as new studies show, we can hack into this process and intentionally cause them flow in our system. One article¹ explains this as having the ideal recipe for happiness inside us, that we have access to these feel good compounds whenever we want and we can benefit from them more if we know how to trigger them.