
Showing posts from September, 2017

Time Rules Our Lives ... But What, Exactly, Is Time?

👉 Türkçe'si AÅŸağıda 👇 ( EN ) - Here is the million-dollar question, folks! What, exactly, is time? Ah, yes, yes... We all know what time is; it's either the ticking of a clock or a day on the calendar. It's something we deal with everyday, something that we all think we understand. But do we really? No, not really. I've checked it and believe me, there are millions of facts and theories out there, but again there's not one clear answer yet... Neither from scientists nor from philosophers... Now... where did this come from, you may ask? Funny but it's true; through a 2014 movie, Interstellar. Sure, I watched it then, when it was in theatres and loved it. But I forgot it completely up until yesterday. In fact, it wasn't the movie that got me here. No, I didn't watch the movie again. It was the video essay that I've come across -the one that I posted¹ here too. After I watched it, it got me thinking... For starters, it made me realise that

Art Lovers, This News is For You!

👉 Türkçe'si Aşağıda 👇 (EN) - The countdown is on: the Louvre Abu Dhabi opens its doors in November ... I've stumbled upon an article, written by Nick Leech on The National, and I've learned that the opening of one of the world's most anticipated cultural attractions is finally announced and the date is set for November 11th. According to the article, the unprecedented inter-governmental agreement between the United Arab Emirates and France, that kick-started the Louvre Abu Dhabi project, was signed on some 10 years ago with an estimated completion date of 2012, but it kept getting delayed up until this year. According to the official announcement, as the author informs, the museum will be fully operational, with almost 700 exhibits on display; approximately half of which will belong to the museum's permanent collection, while the other half will consist of loans from 13 major French cultural institutions including the Louvre Museum, the Musee d'Or

I'm Away For A While ... but for a good reason :)

👉 Türkçe'si Aşağıda 👇 (EN) - Family is everything ... Family values are more so... Of course, not every family is the same. Naturally, every family has a different story, a unique history and goes through ups and downs. Of course, there are bad times as well as good times. Yet... Family is where our lives start... Where we are formed as people... Where we learn to love, to hope and to dream... And if we are fortunate, where we experience respect, integrity, responsibility, loyalty or in short, humanity... I'm lucky, no doubt. I was fortunate enough to be born into this wonderful, loving family; for this, I'm very grateful. It's indeed priceless. Though, I admit that, I wasn't much aware of it when I was young. But especially after I had my son, I've become more appreciative and with each passing year I've realised more and more how precious it is to have such a family... And now that I've left half a century behind in this life, I cannot help but
IMPORTANT NOTE: DEAR FAMILY AND FRIENDS, Unfortunately, I neither see subscriptions nor comments due to some technical problems -apperently this was so right form the beginning. :( I've realized this yesterday when my sister told me that she left a comment on one of my earlier blog posts... Well, as I've said earlier, I'm new to blogging and very inexperienced. :) But, I'm trying to solve this problem. I'm so sorry if you haven't received any replies to your comments... Please be patient with me and stay with my blog... and keep checking out my new posts... :) Heartfelt thanks goes to you all :) ÖNEMLİ NOT: SEVGİLİ AİLEM VE ARKADAŞLARIM, Maalesef ki, bazı teknik sorunlardan dolayı beni takibe alanları da, yorum yapanları da göremiyorum - anlaşılan o ki, baştan beri böyleymiş. :( Bunun da farkına, dün kızkardeşim daha önceki bir blog yazıma yorum yazdığını söylediğinde vardım... Daha önce de söylediğim gibi, blog konusunda yeniyim, ve epey de tecrü

PSST, MILLENIALS! And Parents! You Need To Hear This...

👉 Türkçe'si AÅŸağıda 👇 Simon Sinek - THE MILLENIAL QUESTION (EN) - A week ago or so, I've come across to an interview¹, hosted by Tom Bilyeu on Inside Quest and the speaker was Simon Sinek. To me, it was the best speech so far on the millennials. As being a mom to a 30-year-old millennial, I couldn't help myself but first to send it to my son, then to put it on my blog. Simon Sinek's speech is based on his observations on the millennials and he gives us his incisive thoughts on where this generation stands in the corporal world as well as in life. It's a powerful speech as well as an inspiring one. It's worth every minute of your time, belive me. Please, take your eyes off your social media accounts for a short while, dear millennials and the parents (yes, you too) and just watch the video or read the transcript below. You will not regret it, I promise. Here is the interview²: Apparently, millennials as a group of people, which are those bo

MUSIC ... Both As An Entertainer and A Healer

👉 Türkçe'si AÅŸağıda 👇 (EN) - We may think of music as an entertainment, which it obviously is, but surely that's not all there is to it. First and foremost, as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow put it, it's the universal language of mankind. It's a unifying force that brings people together with ease. It builds such a bond between people that neither walls nor boundaries stand a chance. However, its power isn't limited to its unifying or binding influence on us. Music also heals... not our souls only; but it heals literally. As many scientific studies show, we now know that music has tremendous power over our minds which relates to our well being. One article¹ explains that music is profoundly important to those with motor and impulsive disorders; such as patients with Parkinsonism or Tourette's syndrome. The author says that these patients may overcome their disorders of timing when they are exposed to the regular tempo and rhythm of music. However, he adds,